IN 2020, 2000 PEOPLE
...have been supported by Pentreath towards their vocational goals.
IN 2020, 166 PEOPLE
...have built their confidence and found employment and been successful in getting a job with Pentreath's help.
IN 2020, 286 PEOPLE
...have found the confidence and believed in themselves and started or returned to education and training.
...would recommend Pentreath to their family and friends.
Statement on UK Riots
All of us at Pentreath wanted to address the riots, violence and racism currently taking place across the nation. We stand in solidarity with all those affected and who now feel more vulnerable or may feel more vulnerable across our community and nation.
Emma Russell; Deputy CEO said: “We appreciate the last couple of weeks will have been incredibly upsetting and terrifying for people in our communities. Racism has no place in our communities and what has unfolded over the last couple of weeks has no place in our society. I believe they do not represent the thoughts, feelings and opinions of the majority of individuals within our country.”
As a charity we support the Charity Commission when it states in their response to the riots promoting and inciting racism across the UK; “Charities are often at the heart of communities across the country and have always been part of the solution to division and hatred. They offer hope and unity, bridging communities of place, faith, and interest together, and they build bridges”.
This has, and will always be the part of Pentreath’s work that we are most proud of. Bringing people together and instilling hope for the future. Together we can help support each other to ensure hope is not lost and that hate does not win.
Our power comes from our unity, resilience, and shared dedication to equity. By harnessing our collective strengths, we can support each other, uplift those in need and ensure that the voices of the oppressed or marginalised are heard and respected.
If you have been affected by these events, please reach out for support as you are not alone.
Here are some local and national organisations which can support you:
Reach out for support by emailing:, contact 07891001969, If you are a member of our Black Community, you can join a closed, safe and monitored community page for support:
Home | Black Voices Cornwall | Anti-Racism Cornwall
Bringing communities together to do the things that matter most, providing people with opportunities to live their best life, become better off and to make better sense of the system.
Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change (
Phone: 01209 310610
Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen
Phone: 116123
Black Minds Matter UK is a registered charity connecting Black individuals and families with free 121 talking therapy delivered by qualified and accredited Black therapists.
Contact Us — Black Minds Matter UK
The Muslim Community Helpline is a confidential, non-judgment listening and emotional support service.
Muslim Community Helpline – Confidential, non-judgemental listening & emotional support service
Phone: 0208 904 8193 / 0208 908 6715
To talk to someone about your mental wellbeing you can call the 24/7 NHS mental health telephone support helpline on 0800 038 5300 for advice and triage. Support is available to anyone, regardless of age, all day every day. If you or someone you know feels they need to access urgent mental health support, they will listen to you and assess how best to help.
Mental health – NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (
Phone: 0800 038 5300
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.
Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention | Prevention of Young Suicide (
Phone: 0800 068 41 41
Text: 88247
If you feel that you need to talk to someone urgently then please call the 24/7 Cornwall mental health helpline on 0800 0385 300. You can call for free, any time of day or night, if you are worried about your own or someone else’s mental health. The team behind the 24/7 telephone service will listen to you and determine how best to help. Alternatively, please call the Samaritans on 116 123.
Thank you.