IN 2020, 2000 PEOPLE

...have been supported by Pentreath towards their vocational goals.

IN 2020, 166 PEOPLE

...have built their confidence and found employment and been successful in getting a job with Pentreath's help.

IN 2020, 286 PEOPLE

...have found the confidence and believed in themselves and started or returned to education and training.


...would recommend Pentreath to their family and friends.

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Re-Ignite is a project, which is funded by Youth Futures, for young people aged 14-24 who are experiencing emotional health issues and would like support to deal with personal issues and work towards achieving their vocational goals.


***  19/06/2024 – Referrals for Re-Ignite are open again  ***



Our Young People’s Advisors will work one to one with the Young Person for up to 6 months, to identify their goals and support them to work towards and achieve them. This could be improving mental health, supporting the young person to apply and attend college, gain paid employment, take part in volunteering opportunities and more.

This project is a development project and Young People are at the heart of it. The project has a youth panel which has been set up to develop and drive the project forward, designed and developed by young people for young people. Any young person aged 14-24 with an interest in emotional wellbeing is welcome to become involved, you do not need to be accessing the project to join the youth panel.

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YFF logo mar2020

Pentreath Ltd

Thank you for visiting

If you feel that you need to talk to someone urgently then please call the 24/7 Cornwall mental health helpline on 0800 0385 300.  You can call for free, any time of day or night, if you are worried about your own or someone else’s mental health.  The team behind the 24/7 telephone service will listen to you and determine how best to help. Alternatively, please call the Samaritans on 116 123.

Thank you.